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A Postcard Painting A Day Project

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The 366 postcard paintings at the Sangha House at Zen Mountain Monastery.

Inspiration can spill over onto you in a moment, and suddenly you somehow find yourself swimming in a limitless ocean. It was like this for me after having been invited to a Thankfulness Brunch in early January of 2012 at a friend’s art studio.  The purpose was to describe on a postcard a thing for which we might each be grateful. I painted a sunrise. Okay, two.  That was what I left there. What I took away was a wakeful and refreshed outlook on the world. Having met Anne Kubitsky that day, heard all about her story behind her Look For The Good Project, seen her illustrated books, and watched for probably the 10th time a Tedx video on gratitude, I came away with much more in my heart than when I had arrived. I couldn’t stop making these little postcard paintings. So what I decided to do was to commit to a year of creating one each day. And lucky me, it was a leap year!  So, 366 paintings later, I experienced a year of looking more closely at my world, of finding lasting gifts in the briefest of moments, and of realizing a true gift is really what you give to it. Now, while these diminutive works of art are together as one body, it is an honor to present them on tour for others to experience and reflect on What Makes YOU Grateful?   Thank you Anne. There is no way to measure how many people you will affect with that one, simple question.

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